On Friday and Saturday I'll be attending a refresher Collaborative Practice Training. I originally took the training in Rochester, NY in September 2005, but haven't been able to take any collaborative cases because no one in my area was doing this. Now there are finally some attorneys in the greater Capital District area who will be accepting collaborative cases. There is even a new Collaborative Divorce Association of the Capital District, so I can finally get started with something I've wanted to do for a long time.
I was trying to explain collaborative law to the other attorneys in the Family Court conference room, but I guess I'm not explaining it well because all they could say was "sounds like a sure way to go bankrupt - why would clients pay for this? I'm not interested." After this training, maybe I'll do a series of posts here and at my other blawgs to try to explain more effectively what collaborative practice is all about and why it is a good idea both for attorneys and for clients.