Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wow ....

Looks like "the man himself" on all things virtual-law-related, Benjamin Duranske, is now following this blawg! Wow! I'm going to have to make sure to post some interesting content here soon. :-)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Benjamin Duranske is moving on .....

The first and foremost "virtual law" blawg, Benjamin Duranske's Virtually Blind, will no longer be updated, since he has taken a position with a law firm. The blawg will be missed. A new blawg like Second Person Legal can never take the place of a pioneer like Virtually Blind, but maybe I can have a few things to say.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let's try this again .....

I wanted to set up a blawg for my law-related stuff, but the last time I tried, the blog was marked as spam. Let's try it again and see if the same thing happens this time.